Invested in the Future of New England

The Cox Trust's grantmaking ended in 2017 with investments in three initiatives designed to support a healthy future in New England. Our greatest hope is that you will join us in supporting the movements for high quality universal PreK, for large scale forest conservation through regional partnerships, and for increased access to health care for underserved populations.

Celebrating 35 Years of Giving

The creation of a 35-year charitable lead trust upon Jessie Bancroft Cox’s death in 1982 vested two younger generations with a family legacy of giving. This report, written with GMA Foundations staff, explores the work of the Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust and its partner organizations. Readers will encounter children learning in outdoor classrooms, scientists using DNA barcoding to track new species, and doctors pursuing non-medical approaches to reducing asthma attacks. The story of the Trust offers inspiration for anyone who believes in the power of diverse sectors and voices to work together to achieve positive change.

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Regional Conservation

The Cox Trust’s portfolio of investments have focused on building mutually supportive systems of emerging ideas, organizations, and leaders that have come to define the modern environmental movement in New England.

Universal Pre-K

The Cox Trust's grants in the field of education have expanded access to underserved populations and supported public school reform, and they continue to shape opportunities for young children to get the best possible start.

Access to Health

The Cox Trust has financed efforts to address systemic gaps that cause people to become—or to remain—unhealthy. Community health centers became the focal point for their direct contact with vulnerable and hard-to-reach patients.

About the Close Down

In 2008, the family grants committee turned to planning for the close of the Cox Trust, then nearly a decade away. Mindful of the Trust's legacy, they began to narrow their focus within the fields of health, education, and the environment.